Neue Schuluniform für Domain
Domain studiert Auxillary Nursing am I Care Health Institute in Swakopmund. Anfang März hat er mit dem zweiten Semester gestartet und endlich seine lang ersehnte Schuluniform erhalten. Natürlich musste diese direkt für ein Fotoshooting mit seinen Komillitionen genutzt werden.
Wir kennen Domain schon viele Jahre, da er im Waisenhaus in Kalkfeld gelebt hat. Seine High School hat er in Otjiwarongo absolviert und 2021 hat er von uns ein Stipendium für sein Studium in Swakopmund erhalten.
“My name is Domain and I am a student at I care health institute. It is a wonderful opportunity for me to be at such a great institute. We had 9 to 10 modules first semester and in the second semester we only have six modules:
- Non communicable and communicable disease
- Applied social science in the health illness
- Oncology
- First aid and basic emergency care
- Basic midwifery
- Auxiliary practice
- Entrepreneurship in the health sector
They are very much interesting. Especially when we are being taught by the lectures.
Im really living a simple and easy life. Not a life of wanting to have more then im already receiving but a life of appreciating and giving good quality marks to my Sponsors. I am greatful to have this opportunity in life and I will not waste any chance of it. Its only a one shot in life there might be no second chance so I am giving all my best for it.
During my spare time I go to the library and do some research on my modules or topics I do not understand on my own. When I am done with school work I go for soccer practice or just be in the house. I like watching movies on my phone or the laptop.”